
The Infinity Dome Theater’s Team training in France

This week the Infinity Dome Theater’s team, from Canada, was in France for a week training with our team!

We were thrilled to welcome Becca Chubb-Way, Lowell Smidteboom and Jeff Read from the 8K 2D Infinity Dome Theater, TELUS Spark, in Calgary, Canada, a great planetarium we renovated in 2021 with our partner in North America Solotech.

“This week was such an exciting opportunity, an eye-opening and inspiring experience”, “it is great to connect with all the specialists, to have an expert level training and become more proficient”, “it is a valuable experience, the depth of the software is so incredible, we can’t believe all we are learning”, say Becca, Lowell & Jeff.

Our team had a wonderful week, it is always such a pleasure working hand in hand with our SkyExplorer users and help them bring the best immersive experiences to audiences across the globe!

It was lovely having you here Becca, Lowell and Jeff!

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