
Deep Sky

Planetario de Pamplona

30 minutes

  • Audience: General admission
  • Category: Astronomy
  • Technology: 2D
  • Genre: Documentary

The starry sky is one of the most beautiful natural landscapes we can see from Earth. Thousands of stars dotting the sky above our heads provoke that feeling of infinity and at the same time smallness. The humans have felt this since we got up our eyes at the sky.

But what lies beyond? If we were able to look farther and farther away and to study this black background of the night, what would we see?

Over the past decades large telescopes and observatories in space have spied the black background of the night and have unearthed a fascinating, dynamic and complex universe … Hundreds, thousands of astronomical objects that were hidden from our view have filled our eyes with an explosion of colors, shapes and unimaginable dimensions.

This modern image of our universe deserves to be told and known by the public. Come with us and discover our own Deep Sky.

Deep Sky Trailer Fulldome